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  1. pheriday 2: termcasting overview

    pheriday 2: termcasting overview (2012-08-03) from Paul Ivanov on Vimeo.

    paul's habitual errant ramblings (on Fr)idays (2012-08-03)

    show notes:
    gopher://sdf.org/1/users/ivanov/pheridays/2012-08-03 (yes, gopher!)

    1. try to not say "uuuuhhhhmmnn"

    BAM/PFA Summer Cinema on Center Street http://bampfa.berkeley.edu/filmseries/summercinema

    1. SciPy 2012 videos up, go check them out! (I have!) http://www.youtube.com/nextdayvideo (removed nextdayvideo internal box url, by request)

    Software Carpentry: Record and Playback post http://software-carpentry.org/2012/07/record-and-playback/

    1. termcasting: a review of what's out there.

    http://termcast.org and http://alt.org/nethack/ mostly nethack stuff, both just use telnet protocol, only live sessions (though there are "TV" scripts to re-run sets of ttyrec files).

    (playterm vs ascii.io vs shelr.tv)

    tldr: playterm.org supports ttyrec files, but has the most primitive player. Players on ascii.io and shelr.tv can both seek. shelr.tv can also speed up playback! Downside is both of those have their own recorder programs (though at least shelr leverages script or ttyrec)

    http://playterm.org/ - supports ttyrec files, outgoing links for author and related article, comments. - most primitive player (https://github.com/encryptio/jsttyplay/) - Pause only - only terminal sized of 80x24 or 120x35 - supports tags and comments - service only (code for playterm.org does not seem to be available, though jsttyplay is doing the hardest part of actual playback)

    http://ascii.io/ - supports non-standard terminal size - player can seek. - aesthetic thumbnail previews - login via github or twitter credentials (for uploads) - code for website available (ruby and javascript) https://github.com/sickill/ascii.io - code for recorder available (python) https://github.com/sickill/ascii.io-cli

    http://shelr.tv/ - supports non-standard terminal size - player can seek. - player playback speed can be increased (currently up to 10x of real time) - supports tags, comments and voting up/down on a video - shelr can playback from command line ("shelr play http://shelr.tv/records/4f8f30389660802671000012.json") - code for website available (ruby and javascript) [AGPLv3] https://github.com/shelr/shelr.tv - code for recorder available (ruby) [GPLv3] https://github.com/shelr/shelr

    1. my wanted list for termcasting
    2. should support ttyrec files (upload and download)
    3. live-streaming (like ustream - but for coding)
    4. termcast.org has ttrtail which does just this
    5. quick "encrypt" switch - to keep streaming, but start GPG encrypting the stream as it goes out - so you can still look at it later. This would make it easy to leave the streaming on all the time
    6. a .tty editor that's like a video editor cut out portions [i.e. dead time]

    This is a low-bandwidth way of capturing what I'm working on and thinking about. Now, I'm going to try to record everything I do! "ttyrec -e screen -x". I've only done it a couple of times so far while coding, but I find being able to go back and re-view (and review) what I worked on at the end of the day to be really helpful.

    I was inspired by Joey Hess' "git-annex coding in haskell" where he reviews and narrates some of the code he wrote, after he wrote it. http://joeyh.name/screencasts/git-annex_coding_in_haskell/

    P.S. It's Saturday now. I tried to save some local diskspace by running recordmydesktop using the --on-the-fly-encoding option, and that was a mistake. The audio and video were (un)hilariously desynchronized - the audio ran for 9:48, but the video wanted to be just 7:30. Audacity came to the rescue by allowing me to change the tempo to be 30% faster, which made the syncing better. And then I used avconv to stitch in the faster audio.

    tools used: Debian GNU/Linux sid, recordmydesktop, xmonad, fbpanel, screen, chromium, cheese, xcompmgr, audacity, avconv

  2. pheriday 1: software carpentry, digital artifacts, visiting other OSes

    Here's pheriday 1, another edition of paul's habitual errant ramblings (on Fr)idays

    pheriday 1: software carpentry, digital artifacts, visiting other OSes (2012-07-27) from Paul Ivanov on Vimeo.

    2012-07-27.mp4 (28 MB) 2012-07-27.avi (71 MB) 2012-07-27.ogv (321 MB)

    show notes

    I had three topics I wanted to cover today, and ended up spending about an hour thinking about what I was going to say and which resources I was going to include. This was too long, and the end result was still very rambling, but I think I'll get better at this with more practice.

    SDF Public Access UNIX System http://sdf.org gopher://sdf.org/1

    1. try to not say "uuuuhhhhmmnn"
    2. be lazy (software carpentry)
    3. flipside of "publisher's block" (git-annex)
    4. visiting another country (windows 8 release preview)

    As usual, I didn't know what I was really trying to say in 0, and here's a really good overview of what I meant: Software Carpentry

    If you have 90 seconds, watch the pitch

    play it in 60 seconds, instead: mplayer -af scaletempo -speed 1.5 Software_Carpentry_in_90_Seconds-AHt3mgViyCs.flv

    1. publisher's block

    Jaron Lanier's You Are Not A Gadget What I mention in the video is not at all the main point of Lanier's book (which is quite good!), and in fact, his book is a critique of (over) digitization. Nevertheless, I'm only pointing out that there are redeemable aspects of an increasingly digital artifact producing life, such as preservation.

    David Weinberger’s Everything is Miscellaneous

    My review of David Weinberger’s Everything is Miscellaneous, where I go into more depth about "information overload".

    git-annex Excellent project. The technical details is that when you "annex" files, they are renamed to long hash of their contents (bit rot resistant!) and stored in a .git/annex/objects directory, whereas in place of where the file was, you get a symlink to the original file, which gets added to git. So git only keeps track of symlinks, and additionally has a git-annex branch that keeps track of all known annexes, so that you can copy, move, and drop files from the ones that are accessible. Very handy!

    Haiku OS

    tools used: Debian GNU/Linux sid, recordmydesktop, xmonad, fbpanel, screen, iceweasel, cheese, xcompmgr, youtube-dl, mplayer, screen

    gopher version of this post (proxy)

  3. pheriday 0: scientist-hacker howto (video post)

    Hey everyone, here's pheriday 0, the first of paul's habitual errant ramblings (on Fr)idays

    pheriday 0: scientist-hacker howto (2012-07-20) from Paul Ivanov on Vimeo.

    Berkeley Kite Festival (510 Families)

    Merlin Mann's Most Days (specifically the travel day one on 2009-01-11)

    Sad that I missed SciPy Conference this year. One of the things I like doing at scipy is nerding it up with my friends, seeing each others workflows, showing off vim tricks, etc. This video was my attempt at scratching that itch, a little bit. As I mention in the video, this is take 2. Take 1 ended when I ran out disk space, but needless to say, it was more awesome than this. It seems I am cursed with losing first takes, see also a summary of last year's SciPy conference, where this exact same thing happened.

    NumFOCUS: NumPy Foundation for Open Code for Usable Science

    NumFOCUS Google Group see thread titled: "[Funding] Notes from Funding BOF at SciPy2012"

    TLDP: The Linux Documentation Project (page I was scrolling through)

    Transition to Gopher was rough this time, it was better during the first take.

    Lorance Stinson's w3m (better) gopher support Use this if, for example, going to w3m gopher://sdf.org you get errors like:

    [unsupported] '/1' doesn't exist! [unsupported] This resource cannot be located.

    It still took some tweaking, shoot me an email for details

    Robert Bigelow's About | Gopher & GopherSpace

    Here's the HTTP Proxied version of the above: Gopher proxy provided by Floodgap

    SDF Public Access UNIX System http://sdf.org gopher://sdf.org/1

    Eric S. Raymond's How To Become a Hacker Howto

    Fernando Perez' Py4Science Starter Kit

    Q: Why are you using "Chromium --incognito"? I have chronic tabitis, and this is one way of mitigating that problem. If the browser crashes or I shutdown my computer, I won't have those tabs around anymore.

    programs used: Debian GNU/Linux sid, recordmydesktop, xmonad, fbpanel, screen, chromium, cheese, xcompmgr, mutt, wyrd, tail, w3m

    gopher version of this post (proxy)
