About me - Paul Ivanov - Павел Иванов¶

I am a member of the Jupyter Steering Council and a senior software engineer at Bloomberg working on IPython and Jupyter related open source stuff. I’m also an instructor for Software Carpentry.
Previously I was at Disqus working on backend and data engineering stuff. Before that, I was a code monkey at the Brain Imaging Center at UC Berkeley, working on IPython and also teaching at UC Berkeley Python bootcamps. Before that, I was a grad student (PhD ABD) in the Vision Science program at UC Berkeley. and a member of Bruno Olshausen’s lab at the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience. I graduated in Fall 2005 from UC Davis with a degree in Computer Science.

You can read more about my scientific interests on the Research page.
I was born and raised in Moscow, moved to the US with my family at age 10, and have lived all around… the SF Bay Area ever since (Tiburon, Novato, Redwood City, Mountain View, Davis, Berkeley, and Albany, in that order).
My name(s)¶
Though my legal american first name is Paul, it is actually just the english
version of my legal russian first name Павел, which is romanized as
Pavel and pronounced PAH-vel
. Some of my college friends know me as
Pavel, because my livejournal username was pavelthegeek and I introduced
myself as Pavel and spoke with a faked thick russian accent when we met. It
also made it easier to disambiguate me from my english namesakes.
Additionally, those familiar with Russian often forgo the formal Павел in
favor of the diminutive Паша (Pasha, pronounced PAH-sha
) and its
My last name, Ivanov, is pronounced ee-va-NOFF
, with stress/emphasis on
the last syllable. It’s a common mistake for english speakers to pronounce
Iv- as the english words ‘eye’ or ‘ivy’, instead of the more appropriate
‘eve’. Remembering that ‘EyE’ is spelled with an E, you can catch yourself
from making the mistake. This applies equally well to the russian name Иван
(Ivan, as in The Terrible, or Denisovich, or Drago, etc), which actually
sounds almost like Yvonne.
I don’t have a middle name, so my initials are just pi
, which makes my
preferred uid the same as the mathematical constant. I usually sign letters
and postcards with π (the Greek symbol) ) so it’s fair game to call me that,
too (at work, most people in the office call me “pi”).
But as I’ve said hundreds of times before: I don’t care what you call me, just as long as you call. ;)
More context¶
Here’s my resume. I have a blog which I call my journal. It doesn’t get updated as often as I’d like. I do post on twitter with some regularity, though. Here’s a mirror of my old site.
On delicious, I tag websites of people I know as friends. Even family members are tagged as friends, but I thought I’d include specific links to them here:
My mom’s Etsy shop - she’s a total DIY hipster.
My brother Dmitri Ivanov’s web design studio page
My brother Alex Ivanov’s various sites (kind of old) - he has a new iPhone app for kids (AtTheZoo and @AtTheZoo), and is on twitter
My brother Mike Ivanov’s DavisWiki page and his twitter
As a first pass, here’s just the goodreads widget of books I’ve recently read, though I’ve only recently started using the site a few months ago. Click the book to read my review/rating.
Paul Ivanov
- pi (@.@) berkeley .:. eduGPG/PGP key id: 0x0F3E28F7fingerprint: CA3B 3BF8 394D 4E92 95E1 4B17 7BE7 2645 0F3E 28F7
- Office Mailing Address
- Bloomberg140 New Montgomery, Suite 2200San Francisco, CA 94105