... please date your software releases ... I've been trying out a lot of new software lately, and it's the most frustrating thing in the world to not be able to figure out WHEN a particular version came out.
Sure, there's a changelog that tells me all the neat bug fixes from the last version, but what good does that do me if I can't tell whether the software was last updated 8 years ago or 8 days ago? It's such a simple thing, but I can't believe at the number of projects out there that have no mention of release dates on their website.
... changing topics... Anyone have a gui svn client they particularly like? I've started playing with eSvn (0.7.0 testing version), it's clean and simple (someone else came to the same conclusion). It looks like this:
Subcommander has a neat looking log graph (bottom), and kdesvn has a history browser, anyone use stuff like that?
I've also tried subclipse. Yep, I finally bit the bullet and started trying Eclipse and other GUI stuff, like Inisght (gdb gui), although I continue to live in Vim (which has an CVS/SVN integration plugin I've found useful)