why are they doing that?
what are users doing in response?
incident. NPM sides with a company, developer takes his stuff and leaves.Not driven by logic, anger, or greed. It was a decision guided by my heart. And it came from a simple principle: if NPM breaks its own rules to remove one of my packages, they should remove all of them.
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# Current challenges in free software and open source development
### A talk in Three Pyramids
Thank you for coming to this talk A little about you: developers? community managers? writers? designers? Make reference to the competing sessions <b> does it work to do bold here</b> I wonder *damn* that's too bad, seems like that'd be easy to do
__footer: "Paul Ivanov, BADCAMP 2024"
running Stoic Hedgehog LLC
this is my ACM Software System Award. ACM is the Association for Computing Machinery, *the* professional organization for programmers and computer scientists. Founded in 1947 - 77 years ago. The award is a glass trapazoid sitting on its side. The books in the background are foreshadowing... chilly emeoji - the spice must flow..
I want to thank some people who helped me think through some of the things in this talk
But enough about them, let's get back to talking about me... TODO: Challenges in Open Source reading and watchlist
Steven Levy's ("Leeeevy") book <u>Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution</u>
> It was at this conference that Richard Stallman first publicly and explicitly stated the idea that all software should be free, and makes it clear that “free” refers to freedom, not price, by saying that software should be freely accessible to everyone. This was probably the first time he made that distinction to the public.
-hackers - wizards of the electronics age
if you go back 40 years before I was born - there were NO computers - ENIAC was completed in 1945 Harvard Mark I in 1944 FORTRAN - the oldest programming language still with us today - finished its specification in - 1954 - only 70 years ago (took another 3 to get a compiler) COBOL finished in 1959, LISP ni 1960 ..give people incentive https://web.archive.org/web/20161107235202/https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/video/at-the-first-hackers-conference-in-1984-richard-stallman-news-footage/146485179 there'd be no cloud computing without open source and free software Linux kernel developer and maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman said in a talk that Debian runs 70% of thhe world (cloud vendors) - 80%+ run non-commercial distributions "redhat, suse, ubuntu are great distros" LAMP stack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at-uDXbX-18&t=1850s
## topics of concern
GitHub Copilot, and other large language models for code completion trained on publicly available software with no regard for the licenses of that software, acts as a license laundering cudgel that denigrates the work of open source developers who have contributed their code under a legal framework for how their code can be used. If their code was contributed under a copyleft license, like GPL (v2 or v3), the expectation is that no user of their code will ever lose the ability to modify their code. If it was contributed under a permissive license, like BSD (2 or 3 clause) or MIT, the expectation was that inclusion of their code would result in an attribution to the project they contributed to. Tools like GitHub Copilot makes all of those expectation of the original authors null and void, enabling theft of their work, all in the name of making it "easier" for other programmers.
I'm not going to go all coffezilla here I called this a pyramid scheme in the abstract for this talk, and here's what I mean It's also a heist - on the scale of stealing everything in the Louvre - talk about value capture... <-- what do we need for a pyramid: we need some way to entice newcomers to join and we need someone to be benefitting at the top let's start with the base, and work our way up
If enough other people participate in the plagiarism, we can expand the uni
Those who start the earliest get
diffusion of repsonsibility:
let's take a look at how the corruption pyramid looks like at its base
don't fly solo - try gihub for free - the evil empire telling you to come to the dark side, we have cookies
Admiral Ackbar - It's a trap
let's check in on how the corruption is going --
* > In 2023, developers made <b>301 million total contributions to open source projects across GitHub</b>
that ranged from popular projects like Mastodon to generative AI projects like Stable Diffusion, and LangChain.
Commercially backed projects continued to attract some of the most open source contributions—but 2023 was the first year that generative AI projects also entered the top 10 most popular projects across GitHub.
five sentences later, they feel the need to REPEAT this claim
increase in fires follows our program to hand out lighters to every teenager, squirrel, and racoon
I am not going to convince them - the "makers" of these tools but there's a different way to live.
Q2 end of January, q4 end of July
MSFT aquired github 6 years ago in 2018, for $7.5 billion - which then had 31 million developers
If you license either Copilot Business or Copilot Enterprise directly from GitHub, then this document applies. So they get users' money, but users get the potential infringement suits.
I'm not stealing other peoples work without giving them credit - I'm just making a suggestion
secondary pyramid scheme
primary pyramid scheme of attribution, secondary is skill aquisition
Joe Armstrong - one of the creators of Erlang
I asser that the primary beneficiaries of copilot are novice programmers in other words - instead of teaching people how to fish, copilot and tools like it are selling fish and indeed there has been some evidence coming out to say this is the case: in one study three groups were assigned a programming task. one had access to chat-based code assistant, one had ai based completion, and noe was just allowed to use a search engine. The group using the chat finished first, but struggled to explain it. Those using only a search engine took the longest, but could compentently explain and manipulate their code afterwards
more like impact on erosion of professional ethics - github copilot's integrity?
We are sitting here -- I'm supposed to be an ethical professional, and we're talking about productivity. I mean - listen: We talking about productivity? Not ethics. Not ethics. Not ethics. We're talking about productivity. Not ethics, that we go out there and project ot the world.
They posted a video and I was fuming -- So I did something about it - I was going to leave a comment on a video
there are two vowels that are very hot right now, and I prefer to replace them with two consonants: B and S... This company has done the opposite of what it set out to do, so I refere to it as Closed-BS
Speaking of MIT license... let's go to the first project to use it
let's get into the weeds a bit
importantly, all of the example licenses listed here - the most popular ones, require attribution
GPL: allows incorporating permissive licenses but encumbers author to continue to publish the combined work under the GPL
(since 1991 linux had it's 33rd birthday recently
though via rob landley i found out 'linux was "no commercial use" until after 0.12 release' http://landley.net/talks/ohio-2013.txt - 0.95 release in 1992 https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/history/history.git/commit/?h=0.99&id=e6c7a63f3cc9898b82d65ac3bda90d543a471c17
you can see the problem here - once something is GPL, its derrivative works should also be GPL? Did github copilot exclude GPL code during training of their code assistant? I don't knoww - but I know that the folks from BigCode project *did* just that...
bigcode is supported by hugginface and servicenow research
the stack v2 has 32 Terabytes of code
let's look in aggregate at the kinds of liceense found in the stack
some things they did right: left out GPL code up front
what's wrong with that? -- there are other conditions outside of the kind of work derrivative works may be combined with, namely all of those licenses stipulate ATTRIBUTION for the original authors of the work
have they considered that there's code on github that predates github?
but what the hell, man? if only there was some way for authors to indicate how they would like their code contributions to be used in the future
we can come back and check at the end of the talk
Social contracts sustain our institutions. tragedy of the commons? OSS-tensible chalenges FOSStering future developers?
erasing licenses is a kind of license
are technology companies cannibalize their mycilium roots and the value they benefitted from? Good job, we were giving all of this stuff away without cost and you managed to pirate it anyway
how much time left to sterility?
Who's squeezed between Sean Connery and Roger Moore? It's George Lazenby via Matt - Peter sellers is missing
Some prominent developers no longer maintainer of busybox and creator of 0-bsd
We tried, we enforced it, and then when I had run the experiment and proven the negative I couldn't get them to stop
companies throw out GPLv2 also, Apple pushes LLVM
SCO's monkey trial: 2003
It was the claim of access to Unix code that was the most threatening allegation for the Linux community.
To rectify this "misappropriation", SCO was asking for a judgment of at least $1 billion, later increased to $5 billion. As the suit dragged on, SCO also started suing Linux users as it tried to collect a tax for use of the system.
toybox is zero-clause bsd, sqlite is public domain
Gentoo Linux put forth a policy in March of this year
> It is expressly forbidden to contribute to Gentoo any content that has been created with the assistance of Natural Language Processing artificial intelligence tools.
NetBSD created a similar change in May
#### Matthew Butterick #### #### GitHub Copilot #### Litigation
#### <div style=""><a href="https://githubcopilotlitigation.com"><wbr>github<wbr>copilot<wbr>litigation<wbr>.com</a></div>
# Oil and water: the effort and expectation differences of mixing paid and volunteer work. Popular collaboratively developed software can attract a mixture of monetarily compensated development as well as the hobbyist unpaid labor that nourished the software in its nascency. "Business critical gift economies" don't exist, but projects and their participants vary on a spectrum from those two opposite poles, and positions shift over time. Paradoxically, this tension can be both productive and detrimental at the same time, depending on the perspective of those involved. let's make it a bit darker, more conspiratorial
oil can take a lot more heat -- water is abundant, but won't make you french fries paid - dirty money... clean pristine water... yeah, i'm a hippie
keith worked on X window system, fontconfig, cairo
Why? So here's that story - it's 1988 note the contrast of the license preferences here: whereas rob landley, who had been a fan of the GPL ends up switching to BSD so kk keith packard says GPL was the better choice, it would have force competitors to work together, instead of going off and doing their own thing. keith's slides 12, 13, 14 - X as Corporate Tool ● Jim Gettys and Smokey Wallace ● Write X11, release under liberal terms ● Displace SunView (then dominant proprietry display protocol) ● “Reset the market” ● Digital management bought this plan --- - MIT X Consortium ● Hired dev team at MIT ● Funded by Consortium members ● Members also voted on standards --- Where Was The GPL? ● We knew Richard too well – The GPL's worst sponsor ● Corporate sponsors dedicated to non-free software – Pay for say turns out to have powerful control slides 28 and 29
why are you talking about this? What's old is new again
fame can be the goal, self-promotion are they doing something to fill their heart, or their wallet? both? related to the technology that insists on monopolizing your attention from the previous talk
your reasons not their reasons
journey: experience - destination: end result "product"
you vs others
experience vs end result
egalitarianism vs hierarchy
and hopefully sane vs automattic
team vs product
openbsd and 9front good examples of abrasive
work vs diversion from work

go into personal history of jupyter project
pyramids were built largely by paid laborers, not slave labor (as asserted by Herodot-us) "Graves of the builders who worked on the Pyramids of Giza were first found in 1990." -
how do you balance paid and volunteer work? Both as a paid developer, and as a project overall. (3a) if you identify a great volunteer and start paying them for their work, when/if the money runs out, you can see how they might actually stop both paid and volunteer work. (3b) within a project, other volunteers might feel like hey, that dude is getting paid, why would I do work for free? money can be a deterrent for volunteers to contribute to your project, because projects appears well resourced
don <!-- - a focus on money from businesses that benefit from open source - this talk is complementary - can you throw money at education? poverty? drug abuse? violence?
I don't have a smart phone, don't shop at big river company, don't use eff book
if a community has hobbyists
Jupyter Foundation - a case of the hobbyists being squeezed out - or an affirmation of this Matt points out that " given copilot's voracious maw, seems like it's now a bit harder to say [when a project is hobbyist only"], since the usage of hobbyist code in commercial products is basically unknowable" i might start off as a hobbyst, do something clever, and get a job offer out of it, or some financial support, or a grant.... also, the state of "purely commercial" open source isn't great, because innovation happens from individuals, not from organizations
two approaches: making platforms that easier to commercialize
make a commons: diffusion mechanism
(via Carol Willing)
skateboard example - Back to the Future
user innovation - not producer innovation had to change definition of innovation it can be lonely - but some love to tinker
Burnout galore -- no talk about open source would be complete without mentioning burnout recall that property of oil to hold heat money can be salve for when the temperature gets cranked up -- end up in a Dune world - all the water will evaporate
### one final pyramid - what's this?
# The Formula
formula for the volume of
* $V$ - volume of outrage
### the third and final pyramid - what's this?
formula for the volume of
# Pay the piper: relicensing trends in commercially supported source-available projects. With increasing frequency, previously open source software projects backed by a commercial entity are shifting away from traditional licenses. Recent examples include Sentry, Terraform, Redis, and CockroachDB. Why are they doing that and what are affected users and developers doing in response.
there's a lot to dig into here, just depends on how much popcorn you have
Redis - Valkey, Hashicorp -> OpenTofu, CockroachDB
hashicorp bought by IBM for $6.4B
the fork was already done by the BUSL or other "source available license"
time for self flagellation
you can't be mad if a donor you relied on no longer gives to your cause
well, you can get mad about anything, but that's a Hulk other problem
<p>much like you shouldn't begruge a past-time top contributor not being around anymore because they wish to spend their time elsewhere, you also shouldn't begruge a business that is choosing to spend its money elsewhere </p>
(not me, obviously, but most *other* people)
> Fair Source is an alternative to closed source, allowing you to safely share access to your core products.
#### Sometimes, they change their mind back - elastic search
Left-pad was like a "death" and "re-birth" moment for me. The part of me passionate about open-source was dead, and something new took over. Now, I'm passionate about business, marketing, running companies / teams in different ways, as much as I'm about programming.
is BitWarden next?
Let's recap : CONCLUSION
rage still applies here: previously used this in defense of maintainers, this time worth mentioning it as an advisory to commercially supported open source projects
formula for the volume of
I've tried to give you a flavor of the kinds of challenges that exist in developing software out in the open.
the big alarm bell
would you continue to buy garments if you kjnew they were made with child or forced labor?
the big alarm bell
just like business cycles have booms and busts, so too will free and open source projects
though you think they're wrong.
though you think they're wrong.
though you think they're wrong.
This 1st challege is one of education and social norms
Many of my friends were looking forward to this talk. indeed follows ups about bitwarden